Key visual for "songbook," a wood-fired restaurant located in Setagaya-Daita, Tokyo. This restaurant, which centres around wood-fired cooking and music, is the second branch of "Neki," owned by Chef Kyohei Nishi in Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Tokyo. Drawing inspiration from Nishi's passion for music and amber from wood-fired cooking, a modern interpretation of African tribal patterns is created to capture the restaurant’s mood, as if designing an album cover. The stickers are designed to resemble flyers for a live music event.
Key Visual: Yusuke Murakami (3AND)
Sticker, poster design: Yusuke Murakami(3AND)
Logo design: Masatoo Hirano (@drwng)
Restaurant photo: Keitaro Niwa (@niwawawawa)
Producer: Souichiro Yamashita (@sushipool)
Chef: Kyohei Nishi (@kyohei.nishi)
Client: songbook (@songbook_tokyo), (@neki_tokyo)